>>>>SETUP THE ENVIRONMENT: module load SAS-13.5 sasinit module load HEASOFT-6.15 heainit source setsas_13_5.sh heainit >>>>LIST OF REDUCTION STEPS: (per il PN) > evselect table=pn.evt energycolumn=PI expression='#XMMEA_EP && (PI>10000) && (PATTERN==0)' withrateset=yes rateset="lcurve_sup10.lc" timebinsize=100 maketimecolumn=yes makeratecolumn=yes (per il MOS) > evselect table=m1.evt energycolumn=PI expression='#XMMEA_EM && (PI>10000) &&(PATTERN==0)' withrateset=yes rateset="lcurve_sup10.lc" timebinsize=10 maketimecolumn=yes makeratecolumn=yes > lcurve -- selection of good time intervals > tabgtigen table=lcurve_sup10.lc gtiset=good_bkg.gti expression='RATE< ' -- generation of a clean event list file (per il PN) > evselect table=pn.evt expression='#XMMEA_EP && (PI > 150) && (GTI(good_bkg.gti,TIME))' withfilteredset=yes keepfilteroutput=yes filteredset=pn_new.evt updateexposure=yes cleandss=yes writedss=yes (per il MOS) > evselect table=m1.evt expression='#XMMEA_EM && (PI > 150) && (GTI(good_bkg.gti,TIME))' withfilteredset=yes keepfilteroutput=yes filteredset=mos1_new.evt updateexposure=yes cleandss=yes writedss=yes >>>>SOURCE & BACKGROUND REGIONS SELECTION > ds9 pn_new.evt & oppure > ds9 mos1_new.evt -- check for the presence of pile-up > evselect table=pn_new.evt withfilteredset=yes filteredset=pnf.evt keepfilteroutput=yes expression="((X,Y) IN circle ( , , ))" > epatplot set=pnf.evt device="/CPS" plotfile="pnf_pat.ps" > gv pnf_pat.ps (gli stessi comandi vanno lanciati per i due nos semplicemente cambiando i nomi dei file) >>>>SPECTRUM EXTRACTION -- Extract the source spectrum (per il PN) > evselect table=pn_new.evt withspectrumset=yes spectrumset=source_spectrum.fits energycolumn=PI spectralbinsize=5 withspecranges=yes specchannelmin=0 specchannelmax=20479 expression='(FLAG==0) && (PATTERN<=4) && ((X,Y) IN circle ( , , ))' (per il MOS) > evselect table=mos1_new.evt withspectrumset=yes spectrumset=source_spectrum.fits energycolumn=PI spectralbinsize=15 withspecranges=yes specchannelmin=0 specchannelmax=11999 expression='(FLAG==0) && (PATTERN<=12) && ((X,Y) IN circle ( , , ))' -- Extract the background spectrum (per il PN) > evselect table=pn_new.evt withspectrumset=yes spectrumset=back_spectrum.fits energycolumn=PI spectralbinsize=5 withspecranges=yes specchannelmin=0 specchannelmax=20479 expression='(FLAG==0) && (PATTERN<=4) && ((X,Y) IN circle ( , , ))' (per il MOS) > evselect table=mos1_new.evt withspectrumset=yes spectrumset=back_spectrum.fits energycolumn=PI spectralbinsize=15 withspecranges=yes specchannelmin=0 specchannelmax=11999 expression='(FLAG==0) && (PATTERN<=12) && ((X,Y) IN circle ( , , ))' -- Calculate the area of the source and background regions used to make spectra > backscale spectrumset=source_spectrum.fits badpixlocation=pn_new.evt > backscale spectrumset=back_spectrum.fits badpixlocation=pn_new.evt (gli stessi comandi vanno lanciati anche per i due mos cambiando i nomi dei file) -- Generate a redistribution matrix > rmfgen spectrumset=source_spectrum.fits rmfset=pn.rmf -- Generate an ancillary file > arfgen spectrumset=source_spectrum.fits arfset=pn.arf withrmfset=yes rmfset=pn.rmf badpixlocation=pn_new.evt detmaptype=psf -- Prepare the spectrum and link associated files > grppha source_spectrum.fits source_spectrum.grp comm= "chkey RESPFILE pn.rmf & chkey ANCRFILE pn.arf & chkey BACKFILE back_spectrum.fits & group min 25 & exit" >>>>EXTRACTION OF LIGHT CURVES FROM A POINTLIKE SOURCE -- source+background light curve between 2-10 keV >evselect table=pn_new.evt energycolumn=PI expression='#XMMEA_EP&&(PATTERN<=4)&& ((X,Y) IN circle())&&(PI in [200:10000])' withrateset=yes rateset="PN_source_lightcurve_raw.lc" timebinsize=100 maketimecolumn=yes makeratecolumn=yes (per il MOS) > evselect table=mos1_new.evt energycolumn=PI expression='#XMMEA_EM&&(PATTERN<=12)&&((X,Y) IN circle())&&(PI in [200:10000])' withrateset=yes rateset="mos1_source_lightcurve_raw.lc" timebinsize=100 maketimecolumn=yes makeratecolumn=yes -- background light curve >evselect table=pn_new.evt energycolumn=PI expression='#XMMEA_EP&&(PATTERN<=4)&& ((X,Y) IN circle ())&&(PI in [200:10000])' withrateset=yesrateset="PN_light_curve_background_raw.lc" timebinsize=100 maketimecolumn=yes makeratecolumn=yes (per il MOS) > evselect table=mos1_new.evt energycolumn=PI expression='#XMMEA_EM&&(PATTERN<=12)&& ((X,Y) IN circle ())&&(PI in [200:10000])' withrateset=yesrateset="mos1_light_curve_background_raw.lc" timebinsize=100 maketimecolumn=yes makeratecolumn=yes -- Corrected light curve >epiclccorr srctslist=PN_source_lightcurve_raw.lc eventlist=pn_new.evt outset=PN_lccorr.lc bkgtslist=PN_light_curve_background_raw.lc withbkgset=yes applyabsolutecorrections=yes