Tutorial Telescopi X (M. Dadina)

Tutorial Chandra (C. Vignali)

Tutorial XMM-Newton (E. Torresi)

Tutorial XSPEC (V. Fioretti)

Tutorial statistica (C. Vignali)

Tutorial AGILE (A. Bulgarelli)

Tutorial FERMI (P. Grandi)

Tutorial Laboratorio Strumentale (N. Auricchio)

Altri documenti e link utili:

SAS (XMM-Newton):

XMM-Newton ABC Guide: manuale completo per la riduzione dei dati del satellite XMM-Newton

XMM-Newton threads: principali threads per la riduzione dei dati XMM-Newton (EPIC pn, MOS1, MOS2)

XMM-Newton Users Handbook: informazioni sulla strumentazione a bordo del satellite

Ciao (Chandra):

Introduction to the data products: The CXC performs standard data processing (SDP) on all Chandra science data. This procedure is commonly referred to as "the pipeline." The processing runs in several stages or "levels”, each of which is built on the results of the preceding level. A well-defined set of data products are the result of each level. This thread examines the primary and secondary Chandra data products where were obtained by following the How to Download Chandra Data from the Archive thread, which uses ObsID 1843 (ACIS-I, G21.5-0.9) as the sample data. Filenames given in brackets - e.g. [hrc_dtf1.fits] - indicate a data product that is not created for ACIS imaging observations; this makes the thread applicable to any standard Chandra data distribution.

Introduction to the data models: The CIAO Data Model is a versatile interface used to examine standard format datafiles (FITS, IMH); it also allows powerful filtering of datafiles. The filtered output can either be saved or input directly to an analysis task as a "virtual file." A brief introduction to the Data Model interface and examples on how to use the four core tools are provided here.

Using CIAO region files: Regions two-dimensional filters used to include and exclude data are commonly used in CIAO data analysis. This thread describes how regions are defined, how they are used, and the caveats associated with their use. We recommend to the "CIAO" region format as it is supported by all of the CIAO data analysis tools.

Using SAO Image ds9: The imaging application SAOImage ds9 is distributed with CIAO as the default imager. Developed independently of the software, ds9 contains some CIAO-specific support.

Using parameter files: The CIAO tools use ASCII parameter files to get and store processing parameters. The parameter file interface provides great flexibility in specifying parameters to programs, since their values can be obtained either from the command line or from a parameter file. This thread expands upon the basic overview of using parameter files available from the Parameter Files section of the Introduction to CIAO thread.

Extract spectrum and response files for point-like (and extended) sources: Using a combination of CIAO tools, we extract source and background spectra for a point-like source. The background spectrum is grouped, if desired. The appropriate Response Matrix Files (RMFs) and Ancillary Response Files (ARFs) are created for both source and background.
The specextract script automates these steps for extended and point-like sources observed with the ACIS detector.


Walks through XSPEC: introduzione all’uso dei comandi principali. Introduzione e principali comandi del software Xspec necessari per l'analisi spettrale dei dati X.

XSPEC on-line manual

Useful stuff:

Tabella utile per conversioni

Energy conversion


Calculation of the logarithmic error bars

DeltaChi square distribution for a given number of dof and a given value of P